The Secret Life of Illustrator Rebecca Dautremer

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The art of French illustrator Rebecca Dautremer is like stepping through paper windows into miniature, rouge accented worlds of wonder. Dautremer has a legacy as an illustrator with a soft spot for fairytales touched by a sense of humor.  She has worked on such children’s book titles as The Secret Lives of Princesses and collaborated with her husband, author Taï-Marc Le Thanh, on an adaptation of the notorious child-napping ogress of Slavic-lore, Babayaga. Dautremer has recently brought her design talents and also her love of folklore to life in the animated salute to storytelling entitled Kerity: La Maison des Contes (the English title is Eleanor’s Secret). Kerity, directed by Dominique Monféry, is about a young boy named Nathaniel who inherits his aunt’s library and the real life stories contained within the books. The caveat to this imaginative inheritance is Nathaniel’s illiteracy which is relentlessly mocked by his bratty sister and the impending collapse of his aunt’s dilapidated house. Despite Rebecca Dautremer’s renown, I sadly found very little mention of her in the U.S. aside from the incongruously English dubbed version of Kerity (the sister sounds like a digitized Brit and the parents seemed stocked with awkward dialogue).  Thank you Noela for your introduction!

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  1. I just browsed through your blog again today and saw that you had just posted this!

    One of my favorite books of her is “Le journal du petit poucet” (The journal of little Thumb -unpublished yet in english I think). It comprises scribbles and notes with doodles and sketches, exclusive illustrations and poetry.
    It has a somewhat similar feel as Tales from Outer Suburbia.
    I find books that show the artist’s research so fascinating, creation of universes and characters with their richness and imperfections…. all the steps that lead to its final realization.
    It’s a crucial process, yet we tend to forget while looking/watching the product.
    I’d send “Le journal du petit poucet” to you if only it wasn’t entirely in French…
    Thank you for mentioning my name *hugs* (and god my website needs to be fixed asap!)
    Good job!


    May 31, 2010 at 7:21 pm

    • Thank you, dear! I also had a lovely time reading blog. I had no idea.


      June 1, 2010 at 6:04 am

  2. I love her picture books. Are there ANY in English?

    J Clare Bell

    October 12, 2010 at 3:06 pm

    • I wish there were!


      October 12, 2010 at 4:02 pm

      • I’m amazed that they’re not published in English. And really surprised that she’s not done any for US and UK publishers. I write picture books and I’m sure I know many editors who would love her work…

        J Clare Bell

        October 12, 2010 at 4:06 pm

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